Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema
& Charlotte Schuitemaker
Frowa and Charlotte Schuitemaker developed the P-IQ Method to help their clients master the skill of giving slide presentations. With this method, they map out clearly and simply how to create and use effective, memorable slides in your presentation so that you will move and inspire your audience.
Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema
Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema is a professional speaker, all-round educationalist, and founder of the company Powerful Presentations. Together with her daughter Charlotte, she is the creator of the P-IQ Method. With this method, they have mapped out clearly and simply how to speak effectively using slide presentations.
At the age of 20, Frowa was already teaching 18-year-olds. This is where her interest in learning skills began. In the ’90s, working as a trainer in the corporate world, she was present at a lecture in which a professor convincingly showed that adults forget what they learn from a presentation within 2 weeks. This was the beginning of her search to create ways to help presenters get their message across with lasting results.
In her work, she shows that by giving a presentation in alignment with how our brain functions, we can get significantly better, long-lasting results. Neuroscience helps us understand how educational principles work in daily practice. Whether it is about clearly stating the purpose of a presentation or consciously involving an audience. The more the participants are activated and involved during a presentation, the easier it is to keep their attention and assure that the message will be remembered.
While teaching her presentation skills programs, she discovered that many professionals find it difficult to use slides in a successful way. Slides were mainly used as a cheat sheet instead of tools to strengthen the presentation. That is why she and her daughter have developed their powerful method to, not only design and give a presentation, but also to upgrade an existing presentation without much effort.
As the former President of the Professional Speakers Association Netherlands and member of the board of the Virtual Speakers Association, she has traveled all over the world. She has spoken in the Netherlands, Belgium, Surinam, Austria, New Zealand, and Namibia and interviewed many colleagues worldwide about how to achieve more when giving a presentation.
For more information about Powerful Presentations:
Frowa's Blog

Ever Wondered What The Cost of a Poor Presentation Is?
Every presentation has a purpose. It must achieve something. The more successful your presentation is in achieving that purpose, the more value it gives you — whether that is getting new business, convincing an investor, or successfully sharing your expertise.

Which Part of Your Presentation Will Be Remembered Forever?
While doing a promo podcast for our book “Powerful Presentations,” our publisher, Laura Baxter of Castle Mount Media, recalled a memorable slide. She said she still exactly remembered which slide I had used three years ago during a presentation in Salzburg.

How One Pivotal Presentation Changed My Life
In my previous blog post, I encouraged you to recall a presentation you would remember forever. This time, I will share how one presentation was pivotal in my business development.
Let me start with the photo at the top of this blog. Do you see anything special about it?
Charlotte Schuitemaker
Charlotte is a media designer and organizational powerhouse with a background in information management. Together with Frowa Schuitemaker-Hartsema, she is the creator of the P-IQ Method. With this method, they have mapped out clearly and simply how to speak effectively using slide presentations.
She is most passionate about helping others improve their communication and increasing the efficiency of any and all lines of communication. She knows many professionals still have a way to go in that department. She is excited that Powerfull Presentations now offers a clear and simple method to help every presenter on their way to getting their message across in a powerful and efficient way.
While studying Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Utrecht University, Charlotte learned how to translate the knowledge of medieval culture to fit the audiences of the current generations. Since then she has been working on how to convey complex information of presentation software to a wider audience with the necessary clarity accompanying Frowa on more than one international trip.
Tech-savvy as she is, she has built countless websites and helped brands present themselves in a better way. Armed with her academic degree she was the driving force for the research behind Powerful Presentations and has done so with great enthusiasm.
Through hard work and countless trials, and yes, the occasional error, she has made herself an expert in creating professional slide decks and has mastered the ins and outs of PowerPoint.
Besides playing a big role in setting up the technical side of the Powerful Presentations trainee program, she can also articulately explain how one can make full use of the possibilities of a presentation program, to help anyone present themselves better in trial-proven and smart ways.
Besides her activities for Powerful Presentations, she works at the archives of Utrecht and manages her company called Schuitemaker Archival Projects where she helps to bring order to the chaos of the archives of families, estates and businesses.
She loves growing vegetables in her garden, reading medieval literature and Arthurian legends and spending time with her two cats; Dora and Remus.
For more information about Powerful Presentations:

Powerful Presentations
will help you...
- Easily prepare an inspiring slide presentation
- Understand how your audience thinks, so you can reach them emotionally
- Inspire and motivate your audience
- Be more confident when giving presentations
- Reach your goals