Cora Besser-Siegmund,
Lola A. Siegmund
& Harry Siegmund

Cora Besser-Siegmund
Diplom-Psychologin, Approbierte Psychotherapeutin, NLP-Lehrtrainerin / NLP-Lehrcoach (DVNLP), Lehrcoach (ECA), wingwave®-Begründerin, wingwave®-Lehrtrainerin
Die Diplom-Psychologen Cora Besser-Siegmund (*1957) und Harry Siegmund (*1956) sind approbierte Psychotherapeuten, NLP-Lehrtrainer (DVNLP) und -Lehrcoaches (ECA). Beide sind als Coaches anerkannt. Cora Besser-Siegmund ist außerdem Supervisorin für EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Im Jahr 2001 begründeten sie die wingwave-Methode, die mittlerweile international von fast 4000 wingwave-Coaches angewendet wird. Die Methode wurde bereits beforscht und Ihre Wirksamkeit wissenschaftlich belegt.
Seit über zwanzig Jahren leiten die beiden Diplom-Psychologen das Besser-Siegmund-Institut, das sich im Herzen Hamburgs befindet. Das Ehepaar entwickelte eine Reihe von Verfahren für Therapien und Coachings, die sie einem breiten Publikum in einer Reihe von Sachbüchern bekannt gemacht haben. Zahlreiche Manager, Führungskräfte, Sportler, Künstler und Kreative nutzen die seit Jahren erfolgreichen Kurzzeitcoaching-Methoden Magic Words und wingwave-Coaching.
Zu ihren Arbeitsschwerpunkten gehören:
Emotions- und Leistungscoaching
Standortbestimmung und Karriereplanung
Selbstmanagement/ -motivation
- Stressmanagement
For more information about wingwave:

Lola A. Siegmund
Lola A. Siegmund (*1984), Managing Director of the Besser Siegmund Institute, focusing on teaching and training concepts of wingwave® coaching and Neurolinguistic Coaching – NLC.
Business psychologist (B.A. Coaching and Training), coach for children and youths, business coach, author, life coach and speaker
Lola A. Siegmund is a business psychologist with a focus on training, coaching and leadership. As a coach and master trainer she accompanies people in the Besser-Siegmund-Institute who are in life situations from which they want to take different and new paths. “This cooperation with people and the quickly visible successes – that’s exactly what I’m looking for.”
As a mother and author of publications in the field of coaching for children and adolescents, she enjoys supporting children, adolescents and their parents on their way to overcoming problems and creating a harmonious relationship.
Her main areas of work include:
Emotion and performance coaching
Stress Management
Mental health in the workplace
Presentation security
Conflict stability
Exam preparation
Job interview
- Coaching for parents, children and youths
For more information about wingwave:

Harry Siegmund
Certified psychologist, certified psychotherapist, NLP master trainer / NLP master coach (DVNLP), master coach (ECA), wingwave® founder, wingwave® master trainer
The certified psychologists Cora Besser-Siegmund (*1957) and Harry Siegmund (*1956) are licensed psychotherapists, NLP Master Trainers (DVNLP) and Master Coaches (ECA). Cora Besser-Siegmund is also a supervisor for EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). In 2001 they founded the wingwave method, which is now used internationally by almost 4000 wingwave coaches. This award-winning method has already been researched and its effectiveness scientifically proven.
For more than twenty years, the two psychologists have headed the Besser-Siegmund-Institute, which is located in the heart of Hamburg. The couple have developed a number of therapeutc and coaching methods, on which they have written several books. Numerous managers, executives, athletes, artists, and creative professionals have successfully used the short-term coaching methods Magic Words and wingwave coaching for years.
Their main areas of work include:
Emotion and performance coaching
Positioning and career planning
Self management/ -motivation
Presentation security
Conflict stability
- Stress Management
For more information about wingwave:

Wingwave Coaching will help you . . .
- Overcome fears and anxiety and feel more confident and self-assured
- Increase your performance
- Break through mental blocks and reduce stress and burnout
- Tap into your creative abilities
- Increase your mental power and improve your stamina