BAND 1 ist Hier!
Generatives Coaching:
Auf der Reise zu kreativen und nachhaltigen Veränderungen
Robert Dilts & Stephen Gilligan

Generatives Coaching:
Auf der Reise zu kreativen und nachhaltigen Veränderungen
Band I
Ob erfahrene Coaches oder Lernende, die andere bei der Entfaltung ihres Potenzials unterstützen wollen, sie alle finden in diesem Buch einen nützlichen, inspirierenden Kompass für die Navigation auf der Reise zu kreativen und nachhaltigen Veränderungen.
In diesem Buch präsentieren die international renommierten Coaches und Autoren Robert Dilts und Stephen Gilligan einen einfachen, aber wirkungsvollen Ansatz in sechs Schritten, der dich auf dem komplexen Weg hin zu einer sinnvolleren, erfüllenden Zukunft unterstützt.
ISBN 978-3-948615-11-6 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-3-948615-12-3 (eBook)
For this Book in English:
ISBN 978-0-578-89696-0

About Robert Dilts
Robert Dilts has had a global reputation as a leading coach, behavioral skills trainer, and business consultant since the late 1970s. The author of 28 books, he has been a major developer and expert in the field of Neuro-Lingusitic Programming (NLP). Robert has provided coaching consulting and training throughout the world to a wide variety of individuals and organizations and has influenced and improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
About Stephen Gilligan
Stephen Gilligan PhD, has become a leading figure in Ericksonian hypnotherapy and is the developer of the Generative Self approach to personal growth. This work unfolded into his original approaches of Self-Relations and Generative Self, and then further (in collaboration with Robert Dilts) into Generative Coaching.
He has taught in many different cultures and countries over the past 30 years, and has published extensively. His numerous books include The Hero’s Journey: A Voyage of Self Discovery (co-authored with Robert Dilts), the classic Therapeutic Trances, The Courage to Love, The legacy of Erickson, Walking in Two Worlds (with D. Simon), and Generative Trance: The Experience of Creative Flow. His forthcoming book is Generative Coaching (co-authored with Robert Dilts)