Anton Doerig
Expert & Advisor | Keynote Speaker & Author – has been successful in management positions of various military, private, and public safety and security areas at regional, national and international levels for more than 20 years. Today, his focus is on coaching executives and advising companies and on giving keynotes on the connection between and the intersection of leadership, management and safety & security – all resulting in an exciting and perfect mixture for a desired change of perspective, far more than just an impulse for personal and entrepreneurial success!
Life is a journey in which you have many unique – sometimes difficult – experiences. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Nothing is certain, not now and not in the future. Through his many experiences both in private and business environments, Anton Doerig is an expert in leadership and security, and in this groundbreaking book he shares his experiences with you.
Leadership. Safe & Secure. deals with self-management in combination with safety & security. The author encourages you, the reader, to reflect on and question your behavior in self-, employee- and company management. He combines this with the challenges of holistic Safety & Security and Emergency & Crisis Management as no one has done before. It is not always easy to be honest with yourself and those around you, but it is essential for a secure and sustainable success. A success that that you deserve, both privately and professionally!
Bringing Leadership Presence & Essence together with Safety & Security –for All Levels of Management!
For more about Anton Doerig:

Thomas Sojak,
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Spitalanlagengesellschaft Kantonsspital St.Gallen
As Head of Integral Security and Chief of Staff of the crisis management team in our company, Anton Dörig was able to communicate the great importance of the topic of security in a target group-oriented and appealing manner. His enthusiasm and high motivation are contagious and make him a popular and sought-after speaker.
Leadership. Safe & Secure.
Find your passion in leadership
Increase safety & security in your organization
Master self-leadership and -management
Find the weaknesses that may be holding you back
Excel through integrating leadership with safety & security