Robert B. Dilts, Author
Robert B. Dilts has had a global reputation as a leading coach, behavioral skills trainer, and business consultant since the late 1970s. A major developer and expert in the field of Neuro-Lingusitic Programming (NLP), Robert has provided coaching consulting and training throughout the world to a wide variety of individuals and organizations.
Together with his brother John, Robert pioneered the principles and techniques of Success Factor ModelingTM and has authored numerous books and articles about how they may be applied to enhance leadership, creativity, communication and team development. His book Visionary Leadership Skills draws from Robert’s extensive study of historical and corporate leaders to present the tools and skills necessary for “creating a world to which people want to belong.” Alpha Leadership: Tools for Business Leaders Who Want More from Life (with Ann Deering and Julian Russell) captures and shares the latest practices of effective leadership, offering approaches to reduce stress and to promote satisfaction. from Coach to Awakener provides a road map and set of toolboxes for coaches to help clients reach goals on provides a road map and set of toolboxes for coaches to help clients reach goals on a number of different levels of learning and change. The Hero’s Journey: A Voyage of Self Discovery (with Steohen Gilligan) is about how to reconnect you with your deepest calling, tranform limiting beliefs and habits and improve self-image.
Past corporate clients and sponsors have included Apple Computer, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Lucasfilms, Ltd., and the State Railway of Italy. He has lectured extensively on coaching, leadership, innovation, collective intelligence, organizational learning and change management, making presentations and keynote addresses for The International Coaching Federation (ICF), HEC Paris, The United Nations, The World Health Organization, Harvard University, and the International University of Monaco. In 1997 and 1998, Robert supervised the design of Tools for Living, the behavior management portion of the program used by Weight Watcher’s International.
Robert was an associate professor at the ISVOR Fiat School of Management for more than fifteen years, helping to develop programs on leadership, innovation, values, and systemic thinking. From 2001-2004 he served as chief scientist and Chairman of the Board for ISVOR DILTS Leadership Systems, a joint venture with ISVOR Fiat (the former corporate university of the Fiat Group) that delivered a wide range of innovative leadership development programs to large corporations on a global scale.
A co-founder of Dilts Strategy Group, Robert was also founder and CEO of Behavioral Engineering, a company that developed computer software and hardware applications emphazing bahavioral change. Robert has a degree in Behavioral Technology from the Universtiy of California at Santa Cruz.
For more about Robert:

Antonio Meza, Illustrator
Antonio Meza has been drawing cartoons ever since he can remember, but his professional cartoonist work started only recently in his life.
A native of Pachuca, Mexico, Antonio is a Master Practitioner and a Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). He has a degree in Communication Sciences from Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla, a Masters degree in Film Studies from Université de Paris – Sourbonne Nouvelle, a diploma in Cinema Scriptwriting from the General Society of Writers in Mexico (SOGEM), and a diploma in Documentary FIlms from France’s Ecole Nationale des Métiers de l’Image et du Son (La Fémis).
He has recently certified as well in Generative Coaching with Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan at the Institut Repère of Paris.
Antonio’s career includes work in marketing research, advertising, branding, corporate image, film production, and scriptwriting. His professional photography work has been exhibited in Mexico, Belgium, and France.
He had participated in animated cartoons startups in Mexico before moving to France where he works as a consultant, coach, and trainer, specializing in creative thinking and collective intelligence. He offers his services under his brand: Akrobatas.
His NGO and Foundations clients include the European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), OXFAM, the European HIV/AIDS Funders Group, the Open Society Foundations (OSF) and the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA). He has conducted training workshops for business schools such as the ESCP-Europe and international organizations such as the IABC (International Association of Business Communicators).
Antonio is also an experienced public speaker member of Toastmasters International. In 2013 he was awarded 3rd best speaker at the International Speech Contest of District 59, covering continental Europe.
His cartoons and illustrations have been publihsed by the Université Pantheon-Assas (Paris 2), he co-authored two books (as illustrator) with Jean-Eric Branaa: English Law Made Simple and American Government Made Simple published by Ellipses in Paris. He also uses his skills as a cartoonist and trainer to collaborate in seminars, conferences and brainstorming sessions as a graphic facilitator.
He has several illustration projects including the three volumes for the Success Factor Modeling series with Robert Dilts.
For more about Antonio:

Dr. Gudrun Reinschmidt, Translator
Gudrun holds degrees in Biochemistry, Marketing and Management. After her career in international management in the Medical Device Industry, she started her own business as Marketing and Management Consultant for small healthcare businesses. Soon, she became a European Consultant for effective communication in emergency care and Marketing Consultant for Start-up Companies in the Healthcare Industry.
Because of her background, she was always interested in Neurobiology and how the brain learns. In combination with NLP and the upcoming digitalization of training programs, she trained herself to become an E-learning Designer and Blended Learning Consultant developing concepts and instructional designs for the technical trainings in the Healthcare Industry. She did train-the-E-trainer and customer-orientation trainings for the technical support.
She likes to work with interdisciplinary and multicultural teams to facilitate collective intelligence and generative collaboration for more innovation and success. She is a professional in Integral Organizational and Structural Constellation Work and teaches NLP since 2011 and is authorized partner of the Dilts Strategy Group for Success Factor Modeling – Next Generation Entrepreneurs. In this training she combines her corporate field competence with her communication, and team coaching skills.
She is the founder of the German Institute for Success Factor Modeling to bring the innovative work to Germany and to explore the common success factors of German Entrepreneurs and leaders. She has translated the latest book by Robert Dilts Next Generation Entrepreneurs – the first volume of the Success Factor Modeling triology. Gudrun has developed the German 9-days-Certification-Training for Next Generation Entrepreneurs and will come up with the Success Factor Modeling Conscious Leadership Training in German language.
For more about Gudrun:

The Next Generation
by Robert B. Dilts
A must-have for every executive,
manager, and entrepreneur!